Why hire an independent financial advisor?
Your need for objective advice drives our independence
In a profession based on objective advice, true independence offers many choices intended to benefit you, the client. When you choose an independent financial advisor, your take the first step in getting unbiased recommendations and impartial guidance based directly on your needs and goals.
What is an independent financial professional?
Objective advice on achieving your financial goals may be best delivered by an independent financial professional. CWA advisors are not employees of an investment or financial services firm – we are independent business owners. We have the freedom to structure our business in a manner that best serves our clients. We utilize a broker-dealer who provides services that include processing investment business, marketing assistance, practice management and education. In addition, our broker-dealer holds responsibility for regulatory compliance and adherence to securities laws
Why is independence important?
Just as you have the opportunity to choose your financial advisor, we in turn choose our independent broker-dealer. We chose Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. (Cambridge) as our independent broker-dealer. Cambridge serves your best interests because Cambridge is independently owned and we have the freedom to offer you objective guidance. This means we are not forced them to sell proprietary products or meet any sales quotas. Therefore, we are not pressured or distracted by corporate interests and can focus on what is best for you and your financial goals.
For more information on Cambridge, visit Join Cambridge
Reproduced with permission by Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. for specific use through December 31, 2016, by Capital Wealth Advisors.